Pinterest Whore

The tiny terrorist sweet boy actually took TWO good naps, which is totally unheard of these days.  Maybe he’s growing or (hopefully not) coming down with something.  Either way, I was actually able to get a few things done around the house today!

During nap one, Operation: Organize the Bedroom began to take flight, there are less boxes in the closet and more things put away and hung up.  Mr. Mustard was pleased upon his return home and was even nice enough to carry the laundry down the stairs.  We are ignoring the fact that said laundry hasn’t yet budged from where he put it… I’ll get there… later.

Nap two, oh man.  I should know by now that being left unattended on the internet during nap time is a poor poor choice.  I don’t know what it is about nap time, but it seems to be when my ideas come to me.  Sometimes it’s because there’s a sleeping toddler on me and I can’t move without waking him up… I didn’t even have that excuse today.  No, today I met my inner Pinterest Whore.  Wow, she’s pretty intense.  I think I pinned several dozen things and then fell in to what I used to call a Wikipedia hole.  That’s when you look up something innocent on Wikipedia like say cows and then for hours later you have 9000 browser tabs open and you’re reading an article on some lion statue in the Louvre and you haven’t the slightest clue where you are, what time it really is or when you last ate.  Though oddly you do know about the dietary preferences of lemurs.

Once I was snapped out of the Pinterest induced wiki-hole by a screaming politely cooing child there was already WAY too much in my brain.  I took the boy downstairs and while visions of freezer meals, house decorations and 50 uses for old pallets danced in my head… He figured out how to open cabinets and then gave himself a bath in the dog water bowl.

Best. Mom. Ever.

So yeah, I have a Pinterest problem… and I might be plotting out the mother of all shopping lists so I can avoid cooking for the next three months.

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Merryhappychristmaholiyears Day

We survived the holidays, thank the heavens. I told everyone that this year, after all I have been through, all I wanted was a nice peaceful Christmas eve and day with just my baby and boyfriend. I have no idea how both families managed to keep it together, but I got my wish.

No one exploded.

Shocking, right?

We visited the families on the following weekend, it now looks kind of like a small toy factory exploded in my house, boxes, new toys and stuff everywhere. I guess that’s what happens when you unexpectedly provide your parents with a grandchild when they had finally resigned to accepting the dogs as their only legacy and then suddenly oops. They get a little excited and go a smidge overboard.

Mustard and I then got to have three child free days at a cabin in the woods. I will not lie, the first day we refused to get out of bed and not because we were getting freaky. We watched movies and napped on and off for an entire day. It was the BEST DAY EVER. (Oh right, HAPPY ANNIVERSARY, ASSHOLE! I DON’T KNOW WHY I PUT UP WITH YOU!)

And NOW! I’m trying to figure out how I’m going to pull off a first birthday party in 9 days with no planning and even less effort. Should be fun! I can’t believe my little dude is going to be ONE! How did *THAT* happen? 2014 flew by and drug on at the same time. I’m glad it’s over and I can’t wait to see what 2015 has in store.

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So there I was…

Or maybe a little more accurately ‘So here I am…’ currently sitting on the floor in the bathroom watching my tiny child splash around in bubbles while chewing on a pink rubber starfish seeming perfectly content in his tiny little world.  Must be nice. There’s pee on my shirt, I’m pretty sure there’s still a bit of left over diaper explosion from a few minutes ago somewhere on my pants.  Hopefully I have clean poop-free pants somewhere around here.

This is my life.

I have no idea how I got here.

Okay, okay… that’s not totally true.  It’s just not where anyone (including me) thought I would be five years ago.  I went from a crazy, city dwelling, rollerderby playing IT professional to a still crazy country dwelling, cancer surviving mom of a nearly one year old with two dogs, two cats, two goats, one tortoise and one beloved boyfriend that tolerates it all… mostly.

Now to document all these shenanigans!

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